Contact Information:
Office: Research Way Laboratory Building (RWLB) #1176
James Mickley
Department of Botany and Plant Pathology
Research Way Laboratory Building
4575 Research Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
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My Academic Geneology
I grew up in rural southeastern Pennsylvania. As a child, I spent a lot of time outside and became interested in identifying plants when I was very young. My parents volunteered for The Nature Conservancy, and many of my formative years were spent hanging around with Nature Conservancy botanists and helping to restore habitats.
During college, I started working with Dr. Binney Girdler, a plant community ecologist. I helped run greenhouse experiments and conducted vegetation surveys. I then went on to Stony Brook University, where I earned a Master’s degree working with Dr. Jessica Gurevitch on invasion demography of Centaurea stoebe. I then switched fields, moving to the University of Connecticut to work with Dr. Carl Schlichting studying evolution and adaptation in floral petal number. Now, I manage the OSU Herbarium and teach in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Oregon State University.
While my CV has filled with skills over the years, I still really enjoy the natural history aspect of my research: being outside, conducting fieldwork, and identifying plants. To feed this enjoyment, I’ve become very involved with bioblitzes and